Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My newest panty auction

Since I love wearing and selling panties, I thought it's be pretty silly not to mention my latest endeavors on my blog!

These are the panties I'm currently offering at auction - 

There are more photos on my my ebanned auction - my seller id is kammikaze.

Hey! I've got to self-promote somehow!

Kammi has a Bad Day

Well, I woke up in a perfectly good mood and everything's been downhill from there. Did you ever have one of those days when you just felt curling up in bed and going back to sleep?

 (I'm embarrassed to admit I don't know if this is a Lichtenstein or not!)

Aside from the usual roommate troubles (one of them treats me like a teenager despite the enormous age gap, another treats me like a parent who will pick up after him), I went to a meeting with my art collective and all of my ideas were basically tossed out the window. And the were great ideas!

And the whole time I was starving! Luckily, I had enough money on my Link card (yes, I get food stamps - I'm not ashamed) to get a few food items - I'm saving up for a big exhibition this Saturday. I really hate complaining about being poor, but the whole grocery-shopping experience was sort of a downer. I live in a neighborhood with a lot of um...young, urban professionals and it's depressing to overhear conversations about goat cheese when you're putting back a 79 cent can of beans! 

And when I got home, all excited to hang out with my friend, Mike, he not only cancelled, but got pissed off and hung up on me! I had to stop myself from crying!

 (in case you hadn't guessed, I'm picking out my "sad-face" photos)

On the upside, my new computer (a graduation present) will be arriving on Friday! And I'm really excited for the exhibition! I'm designing the fliers myself and working on a video project for it - not to mention, doing all the catering! Does any of this look mouth-watering...?

 That's jalapeno-cheddar cornbread, lemon cream tarts and succotash! Ask me for the recipes!

I guess it's not all bad! I'm sure I'll wake up in the morning, good as new! Keep your fingers crossed!


Where I live...

I have five roommates. Yes. There's six of us. Luckily, we live in a giant loft and everyone has their own bedroom. As you can imagine, there are quite a few downsides - 

- Dishes. Many, many dishes.
- Waking at 4.00am to the noise band practicing in your living room.
- Finding small grocery bags of garbage around the house when the trashcan is overflowing (a personal favorite).
- Hearing someone have sex through the wall - even I'm guilty of this!
- Privacy? What privacy?

Believe it or not, there is an upside. For example, there's always someone to chat with if I'm feeling lonely (I talk A LOT). And there's pretty much no such thing as wasted food. But the best part, aside from having one roommate who's a photographer, is getting to participate in art projects. A few weeks ago, I appeared in a performance project - Argh! I can't find the photos on my computer!

Anyway, there ended up being a motorcycle at the performance space, so naturally I stripped and took a photo!

And, living in a gallery gives me tons of options for unusual background settings. I have a roof overlooking the el train - 

Sadly, it's still kind of a wasteland - beer bottles EVERYWHERE! But my friend, Ava, lives downtown, and I often escape to her place...and she has air-conditioning! Here I am on her balcony, overlooking the city -

Living in the lap of luxury is nice...even if it's only for an hour!


My Very First Blog Post!

Hi! I'm Kammi!

Welcome to my NEW blog! Since I love writing and taking pictures, I decided to try my hand at a website. I'm not too skilled at html (yet!) so I went with a blog, for now. Awesomely, I have a friend who's great at webdesign, so I'm hoping for an elaborate, bells-and-whistles website in the future. But I've always kept my thoughts in journals and live a pretty fascinating life, at least I'm told, and I like the idea of giving readers an idea of my every-day life! It's rarely boring!

You might wonder about the whole "panty" thing - I just ♥love♥ them! It's so fun to window shop at fancy lingerie stores and buying (affordable) panties is such a thrill! And, of course, the wearing aspect isn't too shabby, either!

Since I wear panties all the time anyway, I recently started selling them on the internet, which is quite an adventure in itself! I also enjoy taking photos with my roommate, Amaya. She's a photography major and I'm learning a lot from her - I'm hoping to get a tripod soon and start practicing myself! Here's another of her photos...

I try to capture a vintage-look in my photos...sort of like a 50's pin-up - 

Sadly, selling panties doesn't exactly pay the rent (which is, as of yet, unpaid!) and I also work in a gallery part-time. Finding work as an artist is TOUGH - even with the degree! I end up cobbling together odd-jobs here and there to get by - I guess I really am a "starving artist!" But it's certainly worth it...and don't worry! I get bored with hearing about financial woes, too! 

That's about it, for now! I've got to get to work designing my blog! I want it to look as cool as possible with all sorts of features! Looks like I finally found a use for that art school degree! Ha! I'll end with one of my favorite paintings - this is by Walton Ford and it's stunning!