Thursday, September 15, 2011


I am bringing you these photos only in the interests of authenticity. 

I know I said I'd devote the entire day to panties. That, sadly, did not happen. And, once again, I'm sick. And it's at my own hand!

(Note how I cleverly adjusted the white balance on my camera to hide my puffy face?)

After I wrote yesterday's post, I was in bed, all set to go to sleep, when my roommate came to my door and asked if I wanted a beer.


Since I had such a good day yesterday, why not? 

BAD idea.

I don't drink often. Plus, I'm a total lightweight. Plus, I'd barely recovered from the flu that knocked me out all weekend. So, after a total of FOUR beers, I slept the entire day and woke with a massive hangover. 

I wasn't going to take ANY photos because I'm so nauseous but figured, in the interest of those with a "girls-with-stomach-ache" fetish, I'd offer up my attempts to make myself look sexy while the room is spinning and my head pounds.

You have to give me some credit for appearing on the internet with my hair messed up, revealing the scar on my forehead!

Not to mention...

I am very disappointed in these pale blue panties. When I bought them, I expected a really cute thong. Well, they're not a thong, they're a g-string. And in not made for girls who don't shave! I admit, they'd probably be sexy in the right context...

But they're so tiny! I wear a size 6 and can barely fit into a medium! And the front is entirely sheer! Which I don't mind; in fact, I was wearing sheer panties before I tried them on!

Regardless, I'm in a terrible mood. And sick. And my roommate is blasting electro-beats. And I have no idea what to do with these bizarro panties.

What a conundrum!