Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pink Panties...GONE!


Apparently, my pink panty auction was coming up super messed up - the photos weren't loading - they were apparently, like 9 mbs each and thick with pixels!

So...I took it down and am racing against the clock to get another photo shoot up before I loose all my daylight!

Well, all my daylight is now lost. Awesome. And my BRAND NEW photographer went to a birthday party. Great.

Anyway, I selected a different pair of panties...this is going to be an amazing auction...and need to re-write the text and record the introductory video.

So, sayonara to the pink, silky fullbacks for now. But here's the video I was going to post...for posterity!

While I wait for the photoshoot, I'm returning emails, re-writing text, and re-recording video introductions as fast as possible!

I'm really screwed, though! The listing has been made and the clock is ticking!

Wish my luck!

Uploading my Computer to an Early Grave

Kammi is back in business!

My break from panty selling is officially over!

I finally posted a new auction for some pink silky panties...

And...get a load of this - you know how I usually place strategic stars over my pubic hair via Flickr's rules? Well, I did so...and idiotically didn't save the original! 

I went through it on Photoshop and Microsoft paint - but can't find the file! I fear it's doomed for life!

But I'll get back to my pink panties, later - it's almost 10 am and I've been working around the clock and haven't slept, yet! They customary post whenever I post a new auction - plus tons of blog revamps and piles of emails needing responses!

(and it's so lame to find the ice cream sandwich you've been saving stolen from the freezer, just when you want to reward yourself!)

It did want to let you know I FINALLY finished my new "about me page" on ebanned and, as I like to do, recorded a special video for "Adventures in Panties" followers!

(this, like everything else, will take an eternity to upload - and notice how I reference a blog post from, like, weeks ago!)

I didn't end up learning the html animation I'd hoped to apply to my page, but I still think it look pretty snazzy - you can check it out here!

Also, because I love debutantes, I recently entered a lame neighborhood beauty pageant on the platform of being one of like, five contestants actually living in the neighborhood - I'd give you the link but it quite readily notes my actual name, as well as home address! I know it's lame, but I'm trying to raise money for the gallery - which is in much better shape! But pageant woes are a post for another day.

Expect another future post about how it'd be nice if our former roommates hadn't screwed us out of over $1000 in rent and bills. Although the space looks a lot better since they moved out - 

Though the prospect of small claims court isn't too thrilling..

But my real subject of today's discussion was my new "me" page - and I'd love to hear any opinions! Of course, I had to mention the copyright infringement that's been going on (the same seller I mention is back and even more egregiously ripping me off - and sort of hinting it's her own idea - I should bring this up later, as it enrages me to think about).

But here are a few outtakes, you may enjoy - at least, I think they're outtakes - I can't remember which photos I used!

 This one made my face disappear.

This is a great shot of my ass in my favorite panties...but I prefer my face to appear!

 This makes my stomach look bizarre.

This, I think I actually used...and lost the original, again!

My computer sucks and really wants to crash (so do I!) but I'll return tomorrow to answer emails, revamp the outdated sight, blab about my pink panties, and complain some more about this girl who rips me off!

Since I really want my orea ice-cream sandwich, I'll leave you with an image of a hilarious British candy bar - 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Back to Business!

I'm whipping up a quick post today because it's getting late and I've got a LOT of catching up to do tomorrow morning!

Updates, rapid fire - 

1.) Reconciled with boyfriend (no longer sad!)
2.) Bought much-needed tripod (quicker photos!)
3.) Rented room in apartment (one more to go!)

The final guests just left our gallery and I'm exhausted from five days of stress and insomnia. And it shows...


So lame.

I'm used to going to working til 6,7,8am and hoping to get to bed early tonight, therefore allowing me to finally catch up on the multitude of panty projects and upcoming art shows that fell into neglect this week. 

Tomorrow starts with a long morning of returning emails, then fixing my printer (it'll be nice to be awake during Canon's customer service hours), and crafting packages. 

It's going to be a looooooong day...

Since I've been moping in pajamas for days, I slipped on my yellow thong to get back in the spirit -

It's actually sort of comfortable!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Deliberate Cruelty, Depression, and Forgiveness...

As a few of you know, I've been pretty down, lately.

I'm trying to get past it, but life has been nothing short of awful for the past two weeks. Right after getting over the flu, I got hit with the death of an old friend. The night before the funeral, my (now former, I guess) boyfriend and I got in a gigantic fight.

I won't go into detail, but it was as bad as you can imagine. We're currently not speaking. At the time, I was furious and dreaming up various revenge schemes. 

I really wanted to slam him for being an abusive, hypocritical, ungrateful, undeserving jerk (I'll stop now). He and I bicker a lot, but this time he went too far. 

I'm not cool with disrespectful behavior out of anyone. But purposefully playing off known insecurities is particularly low.

My favorite work of literature is Tennessee Williams' Streetcar Named Desire. Blanche Du Bois - here she is played by one of my the always incredible Vivien Leigh:

And, in the original stage production, by Jessica Tandy:

One of Blanche's finest quotes from the play:

"Some things are not forgivable. Deliberate cruelty is not forgivable. It is the one unforgivable thing in my opinion, and the one thing of which I have never, never been guilty." 

I've been living by that philosophy since I first read the play at fourteen years old. And, yes, what [anonymous person] did qualifies as deliberate cruelty. 
But, I can't stand strife and quarreling.

Ever since [unnamed former beau] stormed out, I haven't been able get out of bed. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'd rather prove his point ("you'll come crawling back to two days") and end the fight, myself. 

It's better than waiting weeks (or months) for an apology.

Obviously, I haven't felt very sexy, lately. I did, however, swallow my pride and and whip out the cam for some nudes. It sort of made me feel a little better...for five minutes.

After falling behind on my orders, and subjecting everyone to the world's most depressing rant, consider these images my own form of apology.

I just realized I may have posted the world's saddest nude photos.

I do, however, promise to be back to my normal self as soon as humanly possible...

I guarantee!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Stealing Thongs, Hiding Cats

I am SO bored of being cramped up in my bedroom!

When I first taking photos in panties, I swore I'd never appear in my bedroom. Overdone, I thought! I loved the appear of tearing off my clothes on the patio...

I was going to proffer an image here as example, but cannot. My hard drive full of photos is in the living room. 

Which lead me to conclude...

As stated many a time, I live in a sometimes lovely, usually messy live/work space/gallery/venue. A few of my roommates do not approve of my lurid endeavors.

Thankfully, these roommates moved out!

Or...were supposed to move out.


Instead, they are still here. Prowling around. Cramping my style!

I intended on taking some over-due photos in their supposed to be abandoned rooms. In fact, just yesterday I took a romp through one of these assumed abandoned bedrooms and found a cute cotton thong!

I snatched it right up!

Apparently, it had not been abandoned and I received a stern lecture. The phrase, "who are you?" was included.

Um...the room was occupied my a male. Who, to the best of my knowledge, does not wear a thong. And typically leaves a trail of trash (and tears) in his wake. 


The worse of the soon-to-be-former roommates is also, sadly, owner of the best of the house cats. This little girl has appeared with me in such popular photos as:

You can't get a close look at her there...which is a good thing! Because I've been secretly hiding her in my laundry and hoping she's left behind! But my ex-roommates are stomping around the living room and little Viola is not in my room. She's sure to be taken! No thong. No cat.

That's a satin-y bikini in the photo from my personal collection ("personal collection" should be taken to mean, "I own the matching bra and thus, am keeping the panties!")

I do have another cat, however!

I was mildly annoyed at my paramour this morning (the man, not the cat). Admittedly, not for anything he'd actually done but for his behavior in a dream.

I'm (half) kidding.

As usual, I drank too much coffee and wondered what my "talking-to-cute-animals" voice sounds like on video:

Being stuck in my room, I inevitably ended up doing a little online window-shopping (I've oft found myself trying to think of a good portmanteau for surfing online stores without planning on buying anything - since it literally is "window-shopping"). And I came across this necklace in my friend Lisa's Etsy store, Archives Vintage.

For a second, I considered buying it - but remembered my collection of tiny animals and realized I could make it myself! 

 I was all excited to find a drill and get to work...but heard my roommates prowling...

And hid in my room. I don't want to be confronted with thong-gate 2011 a second time.

...which was extra lame because I was hungry! Luckily, I made a grilled cheese earlier. It was cold. I was bored.

Pretend the salt is snow and you have a lovely vignette.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I am bringing you these photos only in the interests of authenticity. 

I know I said I'd devote the entire day to panties. That, sadly, did not happen. And, once again, I'm sick. And it's at my own hand!

(Note how I cleverly adjusted the white balance on my camera to hide my puffy face?)

After I wrote yesterday's post, I was in bed, all set to go to sleep, when my roommate came to my door and asked if I wanted a beer.


Since I had such a good day yesterday, why not? 

BAD idea.

I don't drink often. Plus, I'm a total lightweight. Plus, I'd barely recovered from the flu that knocked me out all weekend. So, after a total of FOUR beers, I slept the entire day and woke with a massive hangover. 

I wasn't going to take ANY photos because I'm so nauseous but figured, in the interest of those with a "girls-with-stomach-ache" fetish, I'd offer up my attempts to make myself look sexy while the room is spinning and my head pounds.

You have to give me some credit for appearing on the internet with my hair messed up, revealing the scar on my forehead!

Not to mention...

I am very disappointed in these pale blue panties. When I bought them, I expected a really cute thong. Well, they're not a thong, they're a g-string. And in not made for girls who don't shave! I admit, they'd probably be sexy in the right context...

But they're so tiny! I wear a size 6 and can barely fit into a medium! And the front is entirely sheer! Which I don't mind; in fact, I was wearing sheer panties before I tried them on!

Regardless, I'm in a terrible mood. And sick. And my roommate is blasting electro-beats. And I have no idea what to do with these bizarro panties.

What a conundrum!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Okay Day

It's obvious "Okay Day" should be a new holiday.

 Despite the illness that has laid me up (and not gotten me laid) I've had for the past few days, I still had a presentation due early this 
morning. And worked myself into a tizzy last night preparing it!

I woke up feeling like complete crap. But, a real trooper, I hauled my ass downtown to the studio, completely nauseous. 

Here's a SHOCKING video of me on the job...

Wait...on second thought (my second thought being, I don't want anyone to hear my work-time, non-sexy voice), I just captured a few of the stills.

This is particularly amazing...

...and this is how I felt when my presentation wouldn't play...

Actually, that's just a weird screenshot. And my video did play. At super speed. But, in the end, not so horrible after all!

Apparently, the client liked my proposal and the sculpture commission (hence, the proposal) may be successful! 

 Boring, I know...


Then, a series of exciting events occurred! 

1.) I got new memory on my computer! So, now it doesn't suck (as much)!
2.) I unexpectedly ran into my beau when I was with my father - and no drama ensued!
3.) Installed new internet! It sucks!

(I know this is a lot of text to handle at at the end!)

Because I'm annoyed at always being broke and having to hustle to get by every day, I decided to go BACK TO SCHOOL! 

As in, another degree...

I'm considering journalism...hmm...

Maybe I could wear this outfit on the beat - 

This costume is ambiguously titled, "Executive Lady," at my favorite site for ridiculous sexy outfits, 3Wishes. Sometimes I like to dress as a secretary for fun, so this would fit right into my wardrobe!

Speaking of which...

In honor of feeling somewhat better, I actually took some photos for the first time in days! You see, while in a feverish state, I got a few packages - the panties I ordered! Please ignore any lingering pallor...

This is a TEENY-TINY Victoria's Secret thong! I actually only started shopping at VS a few months ago when I realized their lingerie actually fit me really well. This little thong fits, but I get the feeling it's intended for ladies who shave!

I thought the "woman-somehow-doing-splits-atop-of-impossibly-large-champagne-glass" style was sort of cute, too!

And I put back on the controversial thigh-highs from last week - 

In case your wondering about the design on my over-sized men's tank top - take a closer look!


Plus, remember those "sweet cheeks" panties from a few days ago? I finally tried them on!

Be back tomorrow! For now, cucumber sandwich (bedtime snack)!