Saturday, August 20, 2011

Musing on Shoe Shopping (and feet!)

(Be forewarned, the first portion of this post may be more suited for ladies...gentleman may choose to skip past the extensive flurry of cute shoe photos).

I need an assistant shopper.

Remember these beauties I flipped out over yesterday?

Well, after much begging and pleading, I convinced my grandmother to allocate me $200 for new shoes. Immediately, I rushed the purchase them. But then remembered my trusty gold ballet flats are now sole-less and could really use a replacement. Thus, sending me on a multi-hour internet shoe shopping spree in a desperate attempt to find the perfect pair - ideally two pairs! 

But I simply can't decide what to buy!

I picked out a number of beauties - 

Sold out.

Sold out.

  Sold out! *sob*

While my true dreams tend toward the world's most insane-looking shoes, they are rarely found under $400 dollars and I'd most likely topple to my death when wearing them. Examine:


Good luck even finding these!

Leaving my selection limited to more sensible choices - such as...

(my apologies for the grainy images.)

Speaking of shoes, I'm often asked if I sell shoes. This is a tough call, as I'm very partial to my shoe collection. I get inquires about buying the black pumps features with the pale pink panties, but there's no way I'm getting rid of $350 shoes! I do have a few pairs I'm willing to part with, but they're few and far between. I never know how to respond to these inquiries.
I'm also often asked about socks. So, far I've only offered two pairs of socks for sale. White and pink striped - 

 (these were quite popular)

 ...and red and black striped - 

(these were pretty much ignored)

I do love socks, but like everyone else, they disappear into the forbidden land of the washing machine, where pairs turn into singles. Thus, I have loads of singular socks. And all the sets I have are dark colors! Dark colors, I've learned, are generally unwanted by sock fetishists. I do offer foot-focused photos, however, and they are rather charming, in my opinion:

But fear not, sock fans!

I don't buy any socks during the summer, but end up placing plenty of orders in the fall. And wearing a lot of tights. So expect a sock-filled future!

In the meantime, I've met a lovely lady who specialized is stockings and totally has that leggy, vintage look down pat. May I suggest Love My Feet? (check the links!)

Or, to expedite the process, a kind reader can always jump to the cause and check out Sock Dreams' fine and extensive collection of knee-highs or your friendly blogger, Kammi, to enjoy! I'm partial to anything from the brand "Sock It To Me." Witness:



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