Friday, August 12, 2011

In a race against time!

Just time for a short post today - I fell asleep at noon and am in a race against time to prepare for the exhibition tomorrow! Still HOURS of video editing left to do! At least I've got most of my film shorts downloaded - [update - tried to put one on here - my internet sucks. Why does it take hours to post a minute-long video? I'll try again, later.]

Tons of GORGEOUS images...vintage ads, mostly...

Okay, maybe that's a little more creepy than "gorgeous." But I found tons of vintage drawings of debutantes that are really quite stunning and I like the idea of juxtaposing their elegance with the eerie quality of early advertising geared at women. Compare this -

To This -

Pretty crazy, huh?

On an unrelated note, why is it that when you're in a huge rush for time, everything goes slower - Blogger execs, are you listening? Uploads take longer, software breaks, someone's always in the shower when you need it.

I was hoping to do a spicier panty-related post, but I've got to run. Subjects to come - (if I don't write about these, remind me!) 
1. Opinions on the faux popularity of Hitachi's magic wand
2. Mixed feelings on Victoria's Secret (oh, that adorable white, shirred-back panty on my wishlist - another topic of moral grappling) is not $25.00) 
3. More riveting talk about women in advertising and (hopefully) vintage panty pics! Remember the first Maidenform ads? Or watch a lot of Mad Men?

I've got to get moving - I'm slipping into these silky, pink-polka dot panties once I get out of the shower (on reserve for a lucky gentleman)!

And since I'm in a rush (why I decided to go on a tangent about vintage ad campaigns, I don't know), no time for an extended photo party! Instead, I'm putting this photo up - I think it's my favorite shot of me ever taken! Matching black lace bra and thong! 

Initially, this set was reserved for someone to purchase by pick-up (I no longer do these, DON'T ASK!) but he seems to have disappeared. I considered putting the set up for auction, but there seems to be an overall dislike for black panties. Misguided, if you ask me! Actually, future post -

4. Kammi discusses why black panties are great.

More soon!


Thinking about Debutantes

I really hate it when people complain that they're tired - I mean, come on? Who isn't tired?

But I am seriously tired!

I just spent HOURS working on a film collage for my exhibition...tomorrow! And thought I was ready to hit the hay...

But of course, that didn't happen!

After spending FOREVER working on this video piece, I'm still not sleeping! I just got too excited looking at websites, and messing around with my panty auction, then working on this blog, that I know have to wake up in 3...yes 3 hours and cook/video edit for two days straight!  I'd put up photos of the ADDITIONAL menu items I'm making - I'm an expert cook if you haven't noticed - but

(and they say the bohemian life is easy!)

I've been going through tons of vintage ads from the 40's through 60's - they're beautiful, but sometimes a little creepy!

I'm really excited to wear a debutante gown, myself - I was initially going to perform as "barefoot and pregnant," but decided to appear (it's somewhat play-like) and a Southern debutante who'd just been dumped - crying into her pillow with her make-up smeared! Hope I'm not too exchausted to stay on my feet!

Plus, my roommate Amaya was all "in the zone" for a photoshoot today - and I'm really looking to get another ebanned auction up, ASAP! I'm also working to get a photostream up here of whatever panties I'm currently prancing around in (and selling!)...except that took like, four hours to figure out and isn't done, yet!

Well, at least here are two more of the photos from these beautiful pink lace vintage-style can't see much, but I love the idea of getting undressed, down to your panties, and still in your heels, lipstick and jewelry!

Well, Blogger is impossible to work! More later, I guess!