Friday, September 16, 2011

Stealing Thongs, Hiding Cats

I am SO bored of being cramped up in my bedroom!

When I first taking photos in panties, I swore I'd never appear in my bedroom. Overdone, I thought! I loved the appear of tearing off my clothes on the patio...

I was going to proffer an image here as example, but cannot. My hard drive full of photos is in the living room. 

Which lead me to conclude...

As stated many a time, I live in a sometimes lovely, usually messy live/work space/gallery/venue. A few of my roommates do not approve of my lurid endeavors.

Thankfully, these roommates moved out!

Or...were supposed to move out.


Instead, they are still here. Prowling around. Cramping my style!

I intended on taking some over-due photos in their supposed to be abandoned rooms. In fact, just yesterday I took a romp through one of these assumed abandoned bedrooms and found a cute cotton thong!

I snatched it right up!

Apparently, it had not been abandoned and I received a stern lecture. The phrase, "who are you?" was included.

Um...the room was occupied my a male. Who, to the best of my knowledge, does not wear a thong. And typically leaves a trail of trash (and tears) in his wake. 


The worse of the soon-to-be-former roommates is also, sadly, owner of the best of the house cats. This little girl has appeared with me in such popular photos as:

You can't get a close look at her there...which is a good thing! Because I've been secretly hiding her in my laundry and hoping she's left behind! But my ex-roommates are stomping around the living room and little Viola is not in my room. She's sure to be taken! No thong. No cat.

That's a satin-y bikini in the photo from my personal collection ("personal collection" should be taken to mean, "I own the matching bra and thus, am keeping the panties!")

I do have another cat, however!

I was mildly annoyed at my paramour this morning (the man, not the cat). Admittedly, not for anything he'd actually done but for his behavior in a dream.

I'm (half) kidding.

As usual, I drank too much coffee and wondered what my "talking-to-cute-animals" voice sounds like on video:

Being stuck in my room, I inevitably ended up doing a little online window-shopping (I've oft found myself trying to think of a good portmanteau for surfing online stores without planning on buying anything - since it literally is "window-shopping"). And I came across this necklace in my friend Lisa's Etsy store, Archives Vintage.

For a second, I considered buying it - but remembered my collection of tiny animals and realized I could make it myself! 

 I was all excited to find a drill and get to work...but heard my roommates prowling...

And hid in my room. I don't want to be confronted with thong-gate 2011 a second time.

...which was extra lame because I was hungry! Luckily, I made a grilled cheese earlier. It was cold. I was bored.

Pretend the salt is snow and you have a lovely vignette.