Well, it was an arduous journey, but it's finally up!
Kammi Kaze's Pink Silky PARTY THONG!
It took almost an entire week to create, ran into a million problems, and has lost me plenty of sleep, but it's finally up there!
Before I continue, let me offer the promised unedited photos from the auction...
This one I think is particularly cute:
And then, of course, there's always this delight:
I only put up two nudes for the first round because I seriously have buckets of photos from that session alone!
But, of course, faithful blog readers always get their own special video:
I admit, I seriously need a haircut! Luckily, my new roommate is giving my a free cut and color tomorrow!
Do you like the .gif? Isn't it cool?!
I'm REALLY hoping this auction picks up...as I've already talked about, there's a particular seller on ebanned who's pretty much misappropriated my style as much as possible.
Plus, apparently, there's a new girl who suddenly appeared.
With almost my exact moniker.
This could be a honest coincidence, of course. But it still gets my nerves rattled!
Not to mention, I've been hearing there's been quite a bit of egregious photo-stealing going on - never good news! I'm hoping to address this in another post, however - after I speak with my sources!
So, here's the deal with this PARTICULAR auction, in case I didn't make it clear in the listing...I tend to get, you know, wordy.
I had been doing very well on ebanned, so I really want to make this auction as totally awesome as possible! It's a competitive marketplace, and I know there's some shady tactics going on (stealing someone's concept and writing is, in my opinion, pretty slow).
Here's are some of my thoughts...
You know how I billed this particular auction as a "surprise party"?
It's because there's a MAJOR surprise I'm intending on presenting near the end...and I'd like to play a little guessing game with bidders!
Naturally, I love to update - and I'm planning on adding this factor into the auction later...assuming it actually gets bids!
(My last auction - the one I was using as a placeholder, I decided to just go ahead and delete. It sort of stinks, but I hate it hanging around out there, for no reason - I want all eyes on THIS pink thong!)
I think it would be cool to drop hints about the final prize - or even - play something like 20 Questions...and whoever gets close maybe receives a personal photo!
Kammi Kaze's Pink Silky PARTY THONG!
It took almost an entire week to create, ran into a million problems, and has lost me plenty of sleep, but it's finally up there!
Before I continue, let me offer the promised unedited photos from the auction...
This one I think is particularly cute:
And then, of course, there's always this delight:
I only put up two nudes for the first round because I seriously have buckets of photos from that session alone!
But, of course, faithful blog readers always get their own special video:
I admit, I seriously need a haircut! Luckily, my new roommate is giving my a free cut and color tomorrow!
Do you like the .gif? Isn't it cool?!
I'm REALLY hoping this auction picks up...as I've already talked about, there's a particular seller on ebanned who's pretty much misappropriated my style as much as possible.
Plus, apparently, there's a new girl who suddenly appeared.
With almost my exact moniker.
This could be a honest coincidence, of course. But it still gets my nerves rattled!
Not to mention, I've been hearing there's been quite a bit of egregious photo-stealing going on - never good news! I'm hoping to address this in another post, however - after I speak with my sources!
So, here's the deal with this PARTICULAR auction, in case I didn't make it clear in the listing...I tend to get, you know, wordy.
I had been doing very well on ebanned, so I really want to make this auction as totally awesome as possible! It's a competitive marketplace, and I know there's some shady tactics going on (stealing someone's concept and writing is, in my opinion, pretty slow).
Here's are some of my thoughts...
You know how I billed this particular auction as a "surprise party"?
It's because there's a MAJOR surprise I'm intending on presenting near the end...and I'd like to play a little guessing game with bidders!
Naturally, I love to update - and I'm planning on adding this factor into the auction later...assuming it actually gets bids!
(My last auction - the one I was using as a placeholder, I decided to just go ahead and delete. It sort of stinks, but I hate it hanging around out there, for no reason - I want all eyes on THIS pink thong!)
I think it would be cool to drop hints about the final prize - or even - play something like 20 Questions...and whoever gets close maybe receives a personal photo!
Naturally, I like to play things by ear and I'm not entirely sure of 100 percent of the details.
But I'm REALLY excited about this little pink thong and am desperately crossing my fingers that it a.) helps me pay off some of our debt from this flake screwing us over b.) brings me back on the panty-scene as a totally awesome, unique seller and c.) sets me apart from my "competition."
Of course, I'm trying to not be arrogant and bitchy about being ripped off - but it really sucks when you've work SO HARD to create and auction...the text alone takes hours to compose...and find it plucked it bits and pieces - just enough to avoid being called out!
Regardless, I'm going to try to update as much of the blog as quick as I can - and hope to throw in some cool new features throughout the week!
Please, guys! Let's make this the COOLEST auction EVER!
Sweet! Already got a bid! Let's keep 'em coming!
Be back soon!