Why then, does Kammi now have an Amazon wishlist on her website?
Because I always ended up clicking on those websites and really enjoyed looking at them! Yeah, it was sort of silly to see stuff like thousand dollar gucci purses, but other items gave me insight into someone's personality. Things like cookware, video games, and yes, even clothes of a particular style give you a better idea of someone's day to day life, even when they're across the country.
Not to mention it was pretty damn fun making!
I did try to add useful items...and a few luxuries! The other upside is, being a ditz, I often forget to buy things I need when I DO have the money...or end up having spent it by the time I remember! So my wishlist also serves as a "to-buy" list. As in, "Kammi, remember you need more tissue paper and photo stock!"
Or, more appropriate...
"Kammi, get more panties!"
That's my excuse. I hope I'm not undergoing some sort of ethical dilemma and lying to myself about wanting stuff. I don't know...if I am guilty of being greedy, I guess I ended up being punished by the HOURS IT TOOK to find the stupid "Amazon wish list" button!
In other news, I added a ton of new stuff to my blog! I'm constantly twiddling with gadgets - you can now contact me and check out tons of "Kammi-certified" links! I started a Twitter account and I'd like to add my feed from there as well. Definitely a panty photo-stream.
In the meantime, since I fouled up the html on my latest panty auction and am convinced that's why I haven't gotten any bids today, here are some preview photos from my next auction - pink-lace, vintage-style!
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