Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So many panties, so little time!

I guess my plan to devote the day to panty-selling didn't work out so well. 

I mean, I got plenty done - but never got around to the three blog posts I'd been planning! I hadn't factored in the "preparing packages" factor and how much time it takes. I've mentioned this before, but I really, really devote a lot of work to putting together individual panty shipments. Not just preparing the panties themselves - I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to making sure they're absolutely perfect and often re-wash them multiple times if I think they're not at their ideal state when sent. I also devote significant effort to making the package itself extra special...particularly if I've been chatting with the buyer and feel like I'm getting to know them! 

When I was in college, my mother used to send my "care packages," including photos, little trickets, and special notes. I want to impart that exact experience. I know some people are a little shy (or even ashamed) about having a particular fetish, and I really want them to know that someone (me) thinks there's nothing wrong with having a fetish - I want them to feel special...because they are!

Leading me to the subject...

I had planned on a few things for the blog tonight - 

1.) I wanted to put my "stats" (Playboy-style) up, which I did do, though I intended to add a bit more about my likes (ostriches, sea-foam green, foods intended for children), dislikes (screeching motorcycles, eggs, people who are rude to waiters), favorite people (Tennessee Williams, David Byrne, Harvey Milk), etc. etc. etc.
2.) I was hoping for two new slideshows - one of "lost loves," i.e.panties that are long gone... 

...and another for future items to come...

(that's an amazing sheer black lace bodysuit!)

Not to mention, two more blog posts. For the first, I was planning on soliciting the public opinion of what I should focus on next...with a bevy of photos! For the second, I'm like to give something of a dissertation on men (and women) who buy panties. Even though I'm still a newbie, I'd like to dispel a few myths!
But I'm falling asleep right now.

And I forgot something - it's the 7th year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. I do have a few, old photos from when I lived in New Orleans, but rather not post them (reverse image search)! But I would like anyone reading my blog to saying a unanimous "thank you" to the people of New Orleans (not just Kammi's family)! 
So, I'd like to dedicate these webcam photos to the Crescent City - for their tenacity, their persistence against all odds, and their god-damn SEXINESS!


 I love you, NOLA!

A day (well...night) devoted to panties!

I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I have horrific insomnia. If you (whoever you are) check the times on various emails/blog posts I write, they're always at odd hours - either late night or early morning. And when they're early morning, it's usually because I haven't gone to bed, yet!

I feel like kind of a jerk, because I prepped a ton of orders over the weekend and was all set to march to the post office today and ship them out. 

And then I slept til 6pm.

Which means I won't feel tired until mid-day tomorrow. Great. 

Luckily, anyone following my ebanned auctions or blog should be secure in the knowledge that I'm working tirelessly (pun intended) on various panty-related projects, tonight. I've already made a "to-do" list and this is the first of three planned blog posts. 

First, my current ebanned auction for the black thong I was hesitant about listing has gone THROUGH THE ROOF! It's currently at over $70 - my highest price ever! I just updated the auction with some sweet add-ons as incentives. Oh, before I forget - 

I use Flickr Pro as a photo host because I like them in general and they're good about hosting "adult" images. They actually allow pretty much any sort of nudity (unlike photobucket, my arch nemesis), with the only caveat being that full-frontals need to be "restricted" and not given a url/html link. They specifically state "no pubic hair," which makes me wonder what would happen if I shaved it! 

Anyway, here are the nudes I posted on ebanned earlier, without the photoshopped "star" cover-up:

This last one, I know, makes no sense. I CANNOT for the LIFE OF ME get it to rotate! I tried to alter and re-save it, but it continues to return to it's bizarre original state. I don't know...but here's an extra to make up for it. I didn't put it on ebanned because I'm convinced I look fat at that angle, but it's a pretty good shot of the black panties being currently auctioned

After being awake 7-8 hours, I always get a period of sleepiness which must be overcome! Must...work...despite all odds! 

I'm at a terrible disadvantage right now...Amaya is really hung over and has been sick in bed all day. She won't take photographs unless she's "in the zone," and it's not like I'm paying her, so I've been trying to find a viable way to take quality photos when she's unavailable. Thus, my webcam attempts - this is what I look like right now - 

Why someone in the business of looking sexy would appear on her sexy sex site in her (unsexy) boyfriend's (unsexy) oversized t-shirt without her hair messed-up (also unsexy), un(sexy)showered I don't know. 

But I just did it!

I also wanted to try my hand at taking full-body shots of myself with panties on. For some reason, if you bring a camera into my apartment, the white balance immediately sabotages itself and everything appears sepia-esque. If that weren't the case, these would be quite nice, I think - 

Those are the bikini-print panties I was raving about last week that were sold to a totally awesome guy! It's kind of tough to get my whole body in the frame, but I managed a few times - 

Ok, maybe not so much that time...

Does anybody reading this have Comcast for their internet connection and find it STUNNINGLY slow and erratic?


That's it!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! How am I supposed to devote the rest of the night to selling panties when my internet is so slow that I can TYPE FASTER THAN IT! 

Need. New. Broadband. Can't. Afford. It.

I have a donation button. Serve and ye shall be served, alike.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Two Panty-Selling Records in One Day!

Just when I'd thought panty-auctioning was dead...

The auction for my bikini-print white cotton panties - enjoy one last look, because after a final photo shoot, they're one on their way to a REALLY AWESOME DUDE -

Not only did they end up going to a really cool and polite gentleman, but the final selling price was my highest ever - $58! 

What a boost of confidence! Just when I was considering packing up my panties and moving to the arctic...(or something like that)...

So, after the excitement of my cotton print auction, I decided to throw up something risky while the action was hot. I'd been holding back on these black lace panties for a while. They were actually one of the first pairs I bought quite a while ago when I first opted to try my hand (literally!) at the panty-selling trade...back in the days when the idea of wearing a thong for 24 hours sounded like pure agony!

I'm sure I've put this photo up on my blog before - it's one of my favorite images taken of me so far - 

This bra and panty set was basically my "go-to" outfit whenever I needed to throw on something quick and skimpy for a photo shoot. In fact, they appear in one of the very first photo shoots I ever sold, back when I was hawking my wares (or "wears") on Craigslist - 

I've lost a little weight since my earlier days, not to mention the sad change from red to blue streaks in my hair. As I've mentioned before, Flickr has an odd "no pubic hair" rule for sharing photos, but here a more recent image - I placed it on ebanned with a star between my legs (literally - like, a star graphic), but here's its original version. A very nice nude, if you ask me - 

Ok, so I just realized they have been on the site before. Luckily, these black panties were the final offering from the "Joelle photographs Kammi before she leaves for New Orleans" collection - all of which resulted in way too many images to use. Like this gem:

And here we have another record breaker! Six bids in under an hour! Making Kammi Kaze a hot seller mere minutes after the auction posted! Remember how I feared a black panty would be unsuccessful? I realized I'd be ovulation after it's run and menioned it in the auction to great resuls!
As for the next pair, I'm actually deciding between three - two don't have pictures, so I only posted the most likely choice in the "coming up "Sextion" (clever, huh?). As you see, I'm offering a pale pinkbou short. I'm also thinking of putt9ing up my brand new yellow thong or a pale blue nylon g-string.

Perhaps a poll is in order, dear readers? 

Of course, that'll have to be tomorrow - I was planning on replying to me emails and adding a few new elements to the blog, but I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open!
Anyway...new features coming soon, tomorrow, I guess! I'm falling asleep at my computer! But if you'd like to be, check out - 

Kammi's blacn and red ovulation panties
Since I'm so sleep deprive I'm seeing double, I'm crossing my fingers and waiting until tomorrow!

Good luck and sayonara!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Naked and Hungover

The panties of the week have finally been changed to the ACTUAL panties of the week...with less than two days remaining. Great. I really dropped the ball. 

Regardless, the pink lace panties I was bemoaning went for a respectable $31.00 and the white cotton bikini-prints are now at about the same. I was really hoping they'd go for higher, since they're truly such a unique pair. I threw up some added incentive in the form of extra custom photos, so let's all cross our fingers - 

Kammi's white cotton bikini-print panties!

These panties...these ones, here -

In case you're interested, I was cleaning out my closet and threw some clothes up on Ebay - these clearly aren't billed as fetish items, but I thought I'd let "Adventures in Panties" readers know about them, as they can potentially BECOME fetish items if say, worn before shipping by myself. Particularly of interest are these vintage bloomers from the 60's, available in either pale pink or pale blue stripes -

I also listed three pairs of shoes, including these leather sandals -

Everything I listed (mostly vintage shoes and clothing) can be found on my Ebay page. Please ignore the photos - Amaya foolishly used flash photography and I look about 20 lbs. heavier than in real life - I tried to "photoshop" them in Google's Picasa program for accuracy and failed...although I did manage to give myself a third eye - 

I also have good news on the sock front! While I previously complained that I own no pale colored socks, while rummaging through my clothing, I discovered I, in fact, own TWO PAIRS of pale socks! Really hot pale socks! THIGH-HIGH PALE SOCKS, one white pair with blue stripes and a second tan pair! I was going to snap photos of them (as well as the bright yellow cotton thong I just got!) but I am REALLY HUNGOVER and SOOOO SICK!

Here's what happened.

My roommate, Lars, just got his student loan money and bought a bunch of fancy, Belgian ale for himself, myself, my friend Ava (who is moving on Monday) and Amaya. I don't usually drink much, but was in a terrible mood and, what the hell, I said. I drank five or six beers on an empty stomach and woke up at 6:00pm, nauseous with a headache. I'm now lounging on the couch, trying to choke choke down a sandwich and coffee. Lucky for you, dear reader, Amaya was really "in the zone" last night, as she calls it, and arranged the lighting in the living room for actually viable photos. First, I just took my shirt off - 

As you can imagined, more clothing was eventually removed, eventually resulting in THE BEST NUDES AMAYA has ever taken of me! WITNESS:


Oh.My.God. We should all applaud the return of Amaya and her astounding camera skills. I posted these on ebanned, cleverly concealed.

Amaya doesn't charge for her talent - I'm counting the hangover as payment!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Webcam...wait for it....wait for it....

I try to keep up with my blog/auctions/emailed correspondences and am usually quick with updates and responses. But, lately, I've been M.I.A. 

I don't like complaining, but I've been dealing with personal family problems. I apologize for being out of touch!

On a positive note, I do have a new webcam! I'm hoping to master it and be able to take my own photos without waiting on Amaya to be available. I'm still working out the kinks and learning to use it, but the photos seem to be high quality.

Well, high quality for a webcam!

Anyway, I've been severely distressed for the past few days, but I'm not the type of girl to get dragged under and will be back tomorrow (or later tonight!) with photos, musings, and my usual charm!
See you soon!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Musing on Shoe Shopping (and feet!)

(Be forewarned, the first portion of this post may be more suited for ladies...gentleman may choose to skip past the extensive flurry of cute shoe photos).

I need an assistant shopper.

Remember these beauties I flipped out over yesterday?

Well, after much begging and pleading, I convinced my grandmother to allocate me $200 for new shoes. Immediately, I rushed the purchase them. But then remembered my trusty gold ballet flats are now sole-less and could really use a replacement. Thus, sending me on a multi-hour internet shoe shopping spree in a desperate attempt to find the perfect pair - ideally two pairs! 

But I simply can't decide what to buy!

I picked out a number of beauties - 

Sold out.

Sold out.

  Sold out! *sob*

While my true dreams tend toward the world's most insane-looking shoes, they are rarely found under $400 dollars and I'd most likely topple to my death when wearing them. Examine:


Good luck even finding these!

Leaving my selection limited to more sensible choices - such as...

(my apologies for the grainy images.)

Speaking of shoes, I'm often asked if I sell shoes. This is a tough call, as I'm very partial to my shoe collection. I get inquires about buying the black pumps features with the pale pink panties, but there's no way I'm getting rid of $350 shoes! I do have a few pairs I'm willing to part with, but they're few and far between. I never know how to respond to these inquiries.
I'm also often asked about socks. So, far I've only offered two pairs of socks for sale. White and pink striped - 

 (these were quite popular)

 ...and red and black striped - 

(these were pretty much ignored)

I do love socks, but like everyone else, they disappear into the forbidden land of the washing machine, where pairs turn into singles. Thus, I have loads of singular socks. And all the sets I have are dark colors! Dark colors, I've learned, are generally unwanted by sock fetishists. I do offer foot-focused photos, however, and they are rather charming, in my opinion:

But fear not, sock fans!

I don't buy any socks during the summer, but end up placing plenty of orders in the fall. And wearing a lot of tights. So expect a sock-filled future!

In the meantime, I've met a lovely lady who specialized is stockings and totally has that leggy, vintage look down pat. May I suggest Love My Feet? (check the links!)

Or, to expedite the process, a kind reader can always jump to the cause and check out Sock Dreams' fine and extensive collection of knee-highs or your friendly blogger, Kammi, to enjoy! I'm partial to anything from the brand "Sock It To Me." Witness:



Sometimes, you have to let go...

...on panty auctions.

I've been waiting on my pale pink lace panties to pick up some steam on ebanned. I've added online photos. I've thrown in "extras" to the package. And my total looms at a total of $12.00. 


I decided to abandon them and throw them to the wolves. By that I mean, I've given up hope on them. This happened once before with some cute red and black striped socks - 

After much bemoaning and hair-pulling, they ended up going for a mere $10.00. At that point, I'd spent so much time wearing them for various poses - 

...I almost would've rather kept them than accept the entire $3.00 profit; those fees are really high! Luckily, they went to a very nice gentleman who was perfectly pleased and didn't demand a ton of extras, e.g. days of additional wear, elaborate photos I don't want to do -

(quick side note here: I am happy to pose nude. I do full frontal in my auction photos because I have a Flickr account and though they allow nudity, they'll pull it out of the public view at a hint of pubic hair. Want proof?
...I'm just not into full-on spread-leg pussy shots! And if you haven't figured it out yet, I don't shave...anything!)

After that extended parenthetical, I'll return to the subject...the lackluster interest in my pale pink panties - 


Which is a real shame.

So, I went ahead and did something drastic...posted the white cotton bikini-print panties I'd been saving up - 

I'd been saving these until the end up summer, as a special surprise. And hoping I could generate interest in something BESIDES cute cotton panties, as I have plenty of classy lingerie, like this red and black thong I've been photographing/talking about for ages - 

But I'm sensing something is a little awry in the land of ebanned...

My bikini-print panties got a bid within the first hour of posting them - "Great," I thought, "back in business!" But nothing today. And I've been noticing the site as a whole seems to be slowing down. I like to follow various sellers, not necessarily to eye out the competition, but just for fun. And even the girls that usually seem to do very well aren't getting the sort of action I've noticed in past weeks. Not to mention, the auctions don't even seem to be viewed as much...by now, I usually have at least 400 views on an auction, and I've barely past 200...not to mention, the email flow has decreased as well.

Something seems fishy...

I hesitated posting the bikini-print panties at all, but I'm still crossing my fingers and trying to pin-point what's off. Is it the start of the school season? The end of summer?

Keep my and my bikini-print panties in your prayers, dear readers!