Thursday, September 1, 2011


I originally started composing this post a few hours ago - ranting about my insomnia...

(I have to take meds to fall asleep a few nights a week - yes, they are prescribed to me! - I took my meds yesterday and thought they weren't working, so I took a few more - and passed out at my computer...witness my bizarre tags at the bottom of last night's post! ANYWAY, I woke up at 3pm, still in a daze, and attempted to get work done, but fell asleep again! I re-woke at 6pm, naked with my computer on my stomach, hand in a box of triscuits, bottle of now-boiling-hot pineapple juice nearby. Ugh.)

...I took a few shots this morning when I woke up, wearing this yellow thong I've been touting for the past week - 

(first, before I figured out the cam...)

I even recorded a "Good morning/Good evening" video:

(sorry if the quality sucks - I'd prefer to upload on YouTube, but fear flagging - much like whoever decided to "alert" the Photobucket/Flickr about my completely harmless photos!)

These super cute BRIGHT YELLOW PANTIES are, frankly, some of the nicest I've ever offered and I've been DYING to post an auction for them!

But have been pretty screwed in the photography department, with Amaya returning to school, and all.
Imagine my excitement when she came out of her room and suggested we do a photoshoot! 

She took a shower, I took a shower.
She went in her room while I dolled up - 



Yikes, what a weird expression! My best friend calls that the "I'm not hungry" face!

That time it worked...aside from the central screenshot resembling Norma Desmond.

Back to my (boring) story.

I am now in the living room. Dolled up. On the couch. I've got an amazing idea for a photo shoot.

Amaya fell asleep.

Oh. Good.


Let's roll!

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