Saturday, September 3, 2011


Alright, I wasn't going to do any more panty-related work today. I haven't gone to sleep yet and was about to curl up in bed and pass out. 

But something's really got me steamed!

No...that's not a good "angry" picture...this steamed!!!

(actual photo I used for my first CL ad!)

So, as I was saying, I just spent quite a few hours taking photos - both to update my current yellow thong auction - 
AND a brand new sock auction I'm preparing! I was in the middle of editing my images - 

When I decided to mill through the current auctions. I was happy to see that my brand new auction is already at about $70 - but then something caught my eye.

I'm not going to give the specifics of whom this particular person is - but, should an astute reader come across their listing, it's abundantly clear...unless I'm being super paranoid.

I just finished a very large, very successful auction. The final bid was about $117 with a total of 33 bids and about 950 view. I've been told a lot of it's success was due to my style of continually updating the audience with updates, add-ons, and extra photos as the week progressed. Not to mention, I played up the fact that it was a black panty, for extra (this is kinda gross, even for me) "cream" viability.

So, what do I find on [unnamed fetish auction site]?

Some chick, basically ripping off my entire strategy. And style. 

Actually placing the phrase "progressive pics" in the auction.
I read the listing. It's pretty much the exact same device, down to the letter - I mean, literally! Like, text that's very clearly been lifted from my auctions and barely tweaked.

This applies to her item description, "progressive" description, inclusion of her blog as a second place to find her photos (which is against the sites policy, by the way!) ... Down to her shipping description!

Of course, I can do nothing. I hate the competitive aspect of panty-selling - girls fighting against each other for sales.

Trust me...I have full confidence that this chick is no threat...

But it's I HATE IT WHEN MY ORIGINAL MATERIAL IS MISAPPROPRIATED! How ironic that this particular seller should boast her artistic background, yet find herself unable to create an original style - resorting to taking the hard work of others!

I'll probably laugh about it after I take a nap - but right now, it's pretty damn annoying! I put a lot of work into everything I do, and just typing "I take great care preparing packages," (direct quote) doesn't make it true.

I devote hours to designing my blog, writing auction material, and taking photos - 

Really, I'm familiar with this in the art world, but...

(I'm faling asleep)

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